1. Preparation
Remove any inactive trial copies of Microsoft (Office 365) if they have not been activated and you don’t intend subscribing to 365.
Podware will install the free Microsoft Access Runtime which is a required component.
2. Need help to install Podware
We can get Podware up and running for you in moments! Just contact us and, with your permission, we can arrange to access your computer remotely to do the installation. No charges apply for remotely setting up Podware for you on one computer.
3. Installing Podware
When prompted click “save”
When the PodwareSetup file has downloaded find it in your Downloads and open (dbl click) it.
This screen may appear:
If it does appear then click More Info.
Click Run anyway on this screen:
Some antivirus programmes don’t recognise Podware and will show warnings which you can safely bypass. How you do that will depend on what antivirus software you are using but most are fairly similar.
For example, Avast (see pic below) shows a dialog box asking you if you want to ‘Terminate’. If you wait a few moments your virus checker will clear the Podware setup file as harmless:
click “Continue Execution”
Instructions for other anti-virus software will be different but the principle is the same: you need to find the way to allow the installation file to run.
Click Yes on the user account control message that appears:
If you don’t have Microsoft Access installed then Podware will download it and install it from Microsoft (the free runtime version).
It will lead you through the process which may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection
Once MS Access is installed click next on this screen:
Accept the licence agreement and click next:
Select the additional tasks as below and click next:
When the screen shows Ready to Install click ‘Install – no pic needed for this one!
Then to complete the installation click finish:
Podware will open at the login screen
The default login details are:
User = admin
Password= pass
These can be changed from the “Manage Users” screen (there’s an icon on the Main Menu).
If you need any help contact us. Have fun using your new software!